Educational Travel Programs
Student tours that make the world your classroom.
Educational travel gives students the opportunity to actively engage with the history, cultures, and languages that they’ve only studied in the classroom. Our unforgettable tours ignite curiosity and personal growth while helping students gain a fresh perspective on the world. From the coast of Newfoundland to Paris, Sydney, and beyond, each life-changing experience empowers travellers to reach a new sense of confidence, build a deeper understanding of other cultures, and make new friendships that will last a lifetime.
Educational Program Divisions
Embark on authentic, immersive travel experiences that bring learning to life in exciting destinations across the globe. Through our tours, you don’t just experience exotic world cultures, you’re an active participant in them. Step beyond the realm of ordinary travel and discover a world of profound learning and unforgettable experiences.
Explore North America from coast to coast with hands-on travel programs designed to encourage participation, inspire adventure, and make lasting memories. Delve into each destination’s rich history and discover the best they have to offer—providing you with transformative travel experiences that will stay with you for a lifetime.
Experience complete language immersion through workshops and hands-on activities with the guidance of our French and Spanish language experts. U.S. and Canadian groups will tap into the magic of each destination’s heritage and cultural identity through the unique lens of linguistics, alongside their fully bilingual and local Tour Director.
Optimisez apprentissage et plaisir lors d’un voyage éducatif en Europe, aux États-Unis ou au Canada, ou d’un voyage à saveur communautaire ou d’aventure en Amérique Latine. Notre but ultime est de rendre les élèves d’écoles Québécoises et écoles Franco-Canadiennes curieux du monde qui les entoure et élargir leurs horizons.